I lost 10 pounds in less than 3 weeks.. all from drinking this tea

Ok, been missing in action. Trying new things. I wanted to really take control of my health. However, losing weight is hard, but gaining it is easy. lol At least, that is what I have been telling myself. So, I was introduced to something new called Iaso Tea from Total Life Changes.


The great thing about the product, it is 100% organic, so I didn’t have the shakes or any craziness going on with my body. Sometimes, people say products are “all natural,” but then later on, there are things added to it from so steel factory. LOL this is not the case at all.

9 Plants

Besides losing weight, I feel so much better. Here are some of the benefits of drinking Iaso Tea:
Iaso Benefits

The Earth has plenty of plants to detoxify the body, and give us what we need. So the Iaso Tea is made up of 9 different plants, which makes it 100% organic. Nothing else is added to it. When you order it for $39.99, it comes with 4 packets, and each packet lasts a week, so basically you get a month supply. They also offer HCG which helps with weight loss as well, however, you are on a 500 calorie intake diet. So here are my results:


I lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks. (It was really 7 pounds in 12 days, but I took the picture 2 days later. lol) As you can see, there is clearly a difference. I didn’t realize what 7 pounds could do for you. Sheesh! As of today, I’m down 10 pounds. So, I have lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks just from drinking this tea. (I admit, I have not drank it everyday either. So my results may have been better had I done so.)



This lady lost 23 pounds in 21 days on the tea & HCG. I start the HCG today, and I’m nervous. I know that I can do it though. The company has a saying, “Five Pounds in Five Days,” because most people lose 5 lbs in 5 days. It’s a great product. I’m going to keep using it, and I will post my journey everyday, so we can all see the difference. Here are others who have used the tea, and the HCG:

  • Iaso Tea 1.


Andrea Before and After


So, do I recommend it? Absolutely. Just because of the difference and progress that I have made, and the same results I have seen in so many others. We are doing a tea challenge. Join us. I would love to hear your stories. If you want to order the tea, go ahead and CLICK HERE!


Are you trying to lose weight? Do you need help? Let’s talk about it!







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