I No Longer Work A 9 to 5… And Never Will Again

This has been a crazy year of growth, lessons learned, and new horizons. I know it is December, but almost 3 months ago, I left my job. So here’s my story:

I used to have dreams of being rich. Traveling the world with other people, and doing what I wanted to do everyday. I never wanted to “work a job.” I was always taught to go to school, get an education, and get a good job. (My Mom is an educator, and has a Phd for crying out loud). However, I always felt like “getting a good job” would never be good enough for me. I dreamed that I could get up and take trips the day of “just because.” I never knew how I would do these things. We are told all of our lives “what to do,” and the people that tell us this live average lives, and make below average wages. Not to knock them, but 3% of the population makes 97% of the income. That is fact.
I got into network marketing in October 2013. I learned a lot in a year. About myself, how to relate to others, what to do, and what not to do. According to others I had a “great job” in healthcare. However, I hated being in competition with my co-workers, doing work that I never got appreciated for, and having a “cap” on my salary, but not a “cap” on my work ethic. Something had to change. I loved my home life with my husband and cat, but my professional life, I was suffocating.

September 2014, I parted ways with my “good job.” My husband and I decided that I would “never work again.” (I’m very blessed to have that type of support). However I like to spend money, and do what I want. That requires an income we no longer had. But also, “uncertainty” set in. What’s next? Where do I go from here? What would people think? You’re always trained to be an “employee” and not a “boss,” or CEO of your own life. November 2014, I spoke with a friend of mine, and decided to join a new company (Company Info Here). I’m so glad that I did. I finally feel like I have found the “how to” vehicle to allow those repetitive dreams to turn into reality. I will be 30 in May, and I feel like 2015 will be one of the best years of my life. That “uncertainty” is gone, and I have never felt so sure in my life. Will it require work? Yes. Will I stay up a little late & lose a little sleep? Yes. Will it be worth it? Absolutely. I don’t know the future, but with everything in me, I feel like we are in the right place, at the right time, with the right people.


You never know where life will take you, however you can choose to be the driver, or have people tell you where to go.

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