I’m 42 pounds down in less than 12 weeks, and showing others how!

If feels great to be 42 pounds down! Even though I have made some AMAZING progress, I still have not reached my ultimate goal.

42 Pounds Down

When I originally set up to do this, I had no serious expectations, but after my first 2 weeks, and I dropped 15 pounds, something in me changed. I became excited, determined, and a new level of determination was sparked.


me now

Certain things transpire in your life, and you look up and say, “How did I get here?” It wasn’t overnight, but it feels like you were caught off guard. Unbeknownst to yourself, it was due to gradual measures taken in the opposite direction whether subconsciously or consciously.

January Weight Loss me 2

But.. then a change happens. Something changes in YOU. It starts WITH YOU. You are the beginning, and the end. You just don’t give yourself enough credit. You can have the body you want, you can drive the care that you want, you can have the finances, job, and house that you want. But you have to remember that the difference is YOU.

me feb eventOnce the shift takes place in you, you start a #TotalLifeChange. Things in your life change… totally. That is what it was for me. A complete change of heart, mind, body, and soul..

sydne chess

Now, I’m fortunate enough to do the same for others. If what you imagine is not the picture you see everyday, create it. You have the power to be the best you. I honestly believe that. With your understanding of your purpose, and the right coach, you can and WILL win this game of life. Let me help you.

For more info, you can go to:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sydne2015

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/sydne03

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sydnetillman


Call or text me at (832)785-3017 for more details.

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